日期:2021-12-13  发布人:admin  浏览量:3221









  • Xiaoying Song, Tao Wen, Wei Sun, et al. A coverage-aware unequal clustering protocol with load separation for Ambient Assisted Living based on wireless sensor networks[J], China Communications, 2016, 13(5): 47-55. (SCI检索).

  • Xiaoying Song, Qilong Zhang, Wei Sun, et al. Energy-efficient data gathering protocolin unequal clustered WSN utilizing fuzzy multiple criteria decision making [J], Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. (SCI检索)

  • Zhang Q, Song X*, Wen T, et al. Reversible data hiding for 3D mesh models with hybrid prediction and multilayer strategy[J]. Multimedia Tools & Applications,1-17, 2018.(SCI检索)

  • Zhang Q, Song X*, Wen T, et al. Reversibility improved Data Hiding in 3D Mesh Models Using Prediction-Error Expansion and Sorting [J], Measurement, 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.measurement.2018.12.016. (SCI检索)

  • 宋晓莹,温涛,孙伟,等,基于多准则决策方法的WSNs分布式不等分簇协议[J]. 东北大学学报(工学版),2017,38(4):476-480. (EI检索).

  • 宋晓莹,温涛,郭权,等,具有最优簇规模的传感网不等簇数据收集协议[J]. 吉林大学学报(工学版),2015, 45(6): 1961-1973. (EI检索).

  • Xiaoying Song, Tao Wen, Quan Guo, et al. Addressing the energy hole problem based on heterogeneous clustering size for wireless sensor networks[J], Journal of computational information systems, 2014, 3973 – 3980. (EI检索).

  • 宋晓莹,温涛,郭权,盛国军,基于可调发射功率的无线传感器能量空洞避免算法[J],东北大学学报(工学版),2012, 33(12): 1706-1709. (EI检索).

  • Xiaoying Song, Tao Wen, Quan Guo, et al. A strategy for avoiding energy holes based on data fusion in wireless sensor networks[C], in proceedings of Electrical insulating materials and electrical engineering, Shenyang, 2012, 729-734. (EI检索).

  • Wei Sun, Xiaoying Song, Fasheng Wang. Energy-balanced clustering routing protocol based on task separation in wireless sensor networks[C], 2015 8th International conference on biomedical engineering and informatics (BMEI 2015), IEEE, shenyang, 2015, 778-782. ( EI检索)

  • Quan Guo, Xiaoying Song*, Distributed energy balanced routing for wireless sensor network using energy prediction metric, in proceedings of 3rd International conference on information science and control engineering, Beijing, P.R. China, 2016, 1303-1307. (EI检索)


  1. 辽宁省博士启动基金项目 “无线传感器网络中避免能量空洞问题的技术研究”,主持人;

  2. 辽宁省科技厅博士启动基金项目“无线传感器网络中跨应用资源调度技术研究” (20170520398),参与者;

  3. 国家自然科学基金项目“无线传感器网络内部恶意节点识别关键 技术研究” (61772101),参与者;

  4. 国家自然科学青年基金项目“面向大数据的快速关联分析关键技术研究” (61602075),参与者;

  5. 国家自然科学基金项目“无线传感器同构网络模型下动态组密钥管理机制研究”(61170169),参与者。
